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Red Rocks Worship
Miracle In Me
David Leonard Keep The Light On
Sidewalk Prophets Looking Up (Feat Megan Danielle)
Stars Go Dim Thank God
Consumed By Fire What If
Benjamin William Hastings That's The Thing About Praise (Feat. Blessing Offor)
Matthew West You Changed My Name
Tauren Wells God's Not Done With You
Forrest Frank Good Day
The Afters God Is With Us
Unspoken What He Says About You
For King And Country Place In This World (Feat Michael W Smith)
Elevation Worship Praise
Big Daddy Weave Let It Begin (Feat Ben Fuller & Megan Woods)
Mercyme Flawless
Crowder Grave Robber
Cochren & Co Thank God For Sunday Morning
Jwlkrs Worship In The Name Of Jesus
Ben Fuller But The Cross
Tobymac Love Broke Thru
Cody Carnes Take You At Your Word

What a Motivator!


It is impressive at how a TV show can really motivate you to stay faithful to your diet and exercise plan.

I have a confession to make. Those of you who followed the Morning Show with Ted last year-you heard all about my training for my first ever Bodybuilding Show. You had to put up with all the boiled egg whites, grilled chicken breasts and rice, protein shakes, talk. You endured all of the updates from my workout routines. I placed 4th out of 5 in the 2008 Battle of the River in Chattanooga.

I lost about 45 pounds and went from 21% body fat to about 8%. Well since the contest, I have put back on about 20 pounds. My new pants and shirts that I had purchased are feeling a little snug now. I have gone back to my old eating habits, of eating whatever I want basically, and have recently allowed my gym membership to expire, (that happens in a tough economy when you have a son in select soccer!).

I was sitting on the couch last night with my family and had just eaten 4 of the little mini-Heath candy bars. 4 of those "minis" probably equals a regular size candy bar right? As soon as I finished the last one the show The Biggest Loser came on. I suddenly was overcome with guilt. I heard the stories of these people who allowed their health to suffer because of their eating habits and lack of exercise.

God dealt with me last night and made me recomit to eating healthy and begin exercising more regularly again. What do you think? Can I lose 20 pounds by Christmas? That is my new goal!

Pray for me......join me in losing weight and becoming healthier this holiday season!

Drink your water!

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