I have been with J103 for almost every one of the
Share-a-thons. This one seemed to have a really fresh
presence of the Holy Spirit. It was evident in the
testimonies, in the callers pledges and in the sacrifice of our
volunteers that God was definately in control, on His throne and
providing for His ministry.
After my show each day I would move into the telephone central room
and relieve Justin. Thursday evening I was sitting at
the laptop entering the pledges so that the guys in the studio
could see the current totals. From my vantage point I
could hear the volunteers speaking to each person that
called. They would hand me the pledge form and I would
enter it into the computer. I was the first person to
be able to see the need being closer and closer to being
reached! We actually met the need way before the 7pm
deadline! Thank you Jesus! And what is
more-God confirmed the fact that He is in control by allowing us to
go over the need by $19,000+
Now don't forget to send in those pledges-this was perhaps the most
important, crucial friendraiser we have ever had. Now
can you imagine if all those who called in would continue to
partner with us each month-we would never have to face a deficit
like this again.
I can sense a new spirit of life to this ministry!
Your ministry! God's ministry! Reaching
people for Christ through the Power of One!
Have a great weekend!
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