What a great finish to 2009! My youngest son,
Chipper learned to ski! True to form, he was just like
my other two. I spent about an hour working with
Chipper from putting on his skis until he was leaving me behind in
a cloud of powder!
We got to go with the student ministry from Burnining Bush Baptist
Church. There were close to 100 people in our group
and everyone had an awesome time. Not one broken
bone! Talk about beating the odds!
I worked with Chipper on the bottom of the slopes, near the ski
lodge, trying to teach him how to turn, stop, and get
up. He kept falling and began to get frustrated, so we
just "went for it." I took him up the lift to a
moderate slope, (The Salamander-the East Coasts longest snow
trail-2 miles) and had him come down. That was all it
By the end of the second day he was tagging along with his big
brother Trevor and the rest of Trev's snowboarding friends, jumping
logs, and coming down the black diamonds.
What a great time and wonderful memories.
I hope you made some memories over the holidays with your
We have a big year in the works for Partners for
Christian Media, the morning show and J103. Pray with
us and for us!
Happy New Year!
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