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Tauren Wells Take It All Back (Feat. We The Kingdom)

Rain Rain Go Away.....


The weather is probably what most people complain about the most.
As I am here in the studio this morning it is raining pretty hard but you won't hear me complaining.

I don't think it is a secret that I am not a big fan of cold weather. I would rather be sitting on the equator in the middle of the summer than to be cold.

God teaches me continually through weather that He is in charge, and I must worship Him no matter what David Karnes says the weather is going to hold. You see David and I have both talked about how God is in control of the weather, David just shares what the weather is going to be and what it is.

God says we are to praise Him in ALL circumstances-Rain or Shine! I heard a sermon recently about Jesus sleeping in the boat during the storm when the disciples were terrified. You see the disciples knew the sea-they knew how dangerous the storm they were experiencing really was, (or so they thought). While they are panicing what is Jesus doing? He is sleeping, and not just sleeping-He is in deep sleep! Dream Sleep. When they woke Him, he did not join in the hysteria-He simply stood up and commanded the storm to stop......and it did!

Then the disciples were in awe! And I bet they worshipped then. But we need to be like Jesus-and not sweat the small stuff.

Rain Rain Go Away.....but if you don't......I'm still praising anyway!

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