If anyone is wanting to know where the coat hanger shortage
began-I now know. My college-bound daughter-just
cleaned out her closet last night. This took her well
over 4-5 hours! I went to bed at about 10pm and when I
got up and left the house early this morning there
was an opened suitcase of coathangers! We
have been buying new ones each month! There were also
3 bags of clothes that Lauren wants to donate to a thrift
If we were to clean out the "closets of our life" what unneccessary
things would we find? How much clutter do we pack into
our lives that keep us from becoming what God really wants us to
be? "Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these
things will be given unto you."
And.......if you need a coat hanger-just let me know.
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