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David Leonard Good Lord
Chris Tomlin Thank You Lord (Feat. Fl/Ga Line And Thomas Rhett)
The Afters God Is With Us
Cain Yes He Can
Danny Gokey I Got You
Brandon Lake Hard Fought Hallelujah (Feat Jelly Roll)
Chris Tomlin Good Good Father
Cochren & Co Money Can't Buy
For King And Country Place In This World (Feat Michael W Smith)
Austin French God Is Good
Jordan St Cyr To Save My Life
Cody Carnes Take You At Your Word
Patrick Mayberry Lead On Good Shepherd (Feat. Zahriya Zachary)
Ryan Stevenson Eye Of The Storm (Feat. Gabe Real)
Seth Condrey Trustworthy
Matt Maher Lord, I Need You
Micah Tyler I See Grace
Tobymac Faithfully
Big Daddy Weave Jesus I Believe
Jon Reddick Don't Fight Alone

Thank God for His Provision


Recently, my family has had over it's share of automotive difficulties. First, in August Lauren was getting ready to drive to Bryan College for the first time and we noticed that her transmission was leaking bad. We made a quick trade and she took our Kia sportage to school instead. We parked Lauren's Taurus in the garage until we could afford to get it fixed. We took off following Lauren to school loaded down with her clothes and things for the dorm. Pulling into the Bryan Campus (up hill) the Kia began running rough. We took it to a garage after unloading all of her belongings and had it tuned up.

About three weeks ago, Trevor borrowed my Durango and headed up to Murfreesboro for the finals of the Bash in the Boro Soccer Tournament. On the way back and heading to Bryan College for a college visit, the Durango began "missing" and the check engine light came on. We took it to the garage and received really bad news-the cam shaft was broke and it needed a new engine.

Amy and I prayed for a few days, laboring over what we were going to do. We didn't know where the money was going to come from. (Ok we knew that God was going to provide it-just didn't know how). Suddenly God reminded Amy about our retirement account. Bingo! There was the answer-we sold some stocks and are now getting a new engine for the Durango, got Lauren's car fixed and paid off the remaining balance we owed on it from the bank and are going to pay off our Lowes account balance.

God had provided for us once again! And really.....who needs to retire!!!

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