I'm sure you've seen the latest on Ted Williams. He's been on
Dr. Phil having a really tough go of it and now he's headed to
rehab. Seems he might not have conquered the demons of
his addictions after all. I also notice that his family has little
faith in him. I don't think they really believe he'll make
it. They are waiting, expecting another failure. In
many ways, it seems that they've given up on him.
So, as I often say, what does this have to do with
you? It's this: If you are in a place in
your life, where you've had it and lost it all...and now you're
trying to put the pieces back together...like Ted Williams....know
this. Even if your family has given up....GOD HASN'T! He knows your
going to stumble and fall. He knows you're not perfect. That's why
He sent His perfect son to die for you. So, be
encouraged today. It doesn't matter what the people around yoiu may
say. It doesn't matter what the headlines would report about your
progress. What matters is God's Amazing
Grace. He loves us even in the pitiful state we're
I know that somebody out there reading this is in this very place I
speak of. Your family has written you off. You've
failed many times before and they say, "Why should this time be any
BUT GOD says....Trust Me. Lean not on your own understanding,
acknowledge me, I'll direct your path. He's ready to
give you that second chance...against all odds. Don't
be afraid to take that first step back toward Him.
Pray for Ted Williams. Pray he'll grow in his relationship with
Christ and pray that he will overcome. I"ll do the
same for you!
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