Everyone is so excited about the Extreme Makeover Home Edition
Project that is going on just a couple minutes away from our
studios here at J103. In the mornings on my way in I
can see the glow from all the construction lights.
As of 10am Tuesday, the old hous is gone, the new foundation is
laid and the poured foundation walls are being craned in and put in
By the end of today the floor should be installed and framing will
begin. All in all they are about 1 hour
behind. That's not bad.
I am excited to be brocasting from the build site Thursday
Let's continue to pray for safety for all the workers and
volunteers at the build site. Let's also continue to
pray that through this incredible event God is glorified here in
our city as well as when the show airs late April-early May.
Please help us spread the word about the Big Heart Shares Benefit
Concert this Friday night with Echoing Angels.
Admission is only 5 non-perishable food items, which will go
towards the 310,000 pound goal!
Big Goal-but our God is a Big God!
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CrowderLift Your Head Weary Sinner (Chains)
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