You've heard every football team in America do it.
They boast that nobody will come in and beat them on their own
field. They pound their chests and yell "Not in my house". Ever
felt like Christians do this within the body of
Christ? We mark off our territory and stake our
claims, come what may. Mine Mine Mine. What's the most
important thing the church can do today? UNITE! An old
Russ Taff song from my early days in Christian radio says:
You're my brother you're my sister
so take me by the hand
Together we will work until He comes
There's no foe that can defeat us
if were walking side by side
As long as there is Love
We will stand.
Even better, the Word of God says in Romans 15:5 (NIV)
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit
of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus.
Please join me today and pray that we will all learn this
incredibly valuable lesson from God's word.
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