I am sahamed that I have not blogged since Memorial
Day???? Wow! I've been sort of busy with
JFEST and then Riverbend. My son Trevor graduated in
there also. We've been a little preocupied.
I do want to share with you some of my thoughts about our minsitry
at Riverbend. For years, we would cruise in, set up
our booth and have a great time at Faith and Family
Night. But each year when we would pull out of the
Riverfront area late into the night, I was struck with the feeling
that the Christian Radio Station needed to be there all
week. So this year began that tradition.
We gave away J103 Koozies. That's right, those little
neoprene sleeves people put their beers in to keep them cool and
their hands dry and warm.
Why would a Christian radio station give away
koozies??? Are we endorsing alcohol? NO
way! What we were doing was serving those who were at
Riverbend and showing them that we were not there to judge them but
to love on them.
We had several opportunities each night to share the plan of
Salvation using the Witness Wear Bands that were furnished by White
Wing Christian Bookstore in Cleveland. Most people
would try to stick their beer down into the koozie and then realize
there was something in it. They would pull it out and
put it into their pocket. Some would pull this little
wearable track and ask us what it was. Then we would
be able to share it with the 6-7 people gathered around.
Please pray for those who had seeds of Jesus Chist planted in their
hearts. I am praying for a great revival!
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Matt MaherIn The Room (Feat Chris Brown)
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