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Positive-Negative Reinforcment


I made another conscious effort to drop some weight. I have been in the gym for three days in a row now, cranking out an hour of cardio and about 45-60 minutes of lifting each day. I have been taking Chipper with me, (he didn't make it yesterday-he couldn't get out of bed he was so sore!)

Yesterday I finished my cardio and was walking towards the free weights area and i ran into a fellow "body-builder" I have known on a "friendly-wave and smile" basis for a couple of years. He walked up to me and said "Good to see you back in here.....looks like "mama" has been feeding you well."

In other words-Wow-you look like a Beached whale!

I was tellig my wife Amy about it and she got a little upset and mad about his comments. She said, "that was a terrible thing to say." I didn't take it that way. One of the things I feel God has given me is real tough skin. I take criticism well, and that comment yesterday at the gym didn't anger me instead it gave me a greater resolve to not skip any workouts and make sure I am skipping the food I don't need to eat!

Will see if he "eats those words" in a few short weeks.

Thank You God for the encouragement.

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