For Christmas this year I blessed my wife with a new camera. She was so excited to open it and begin taking pictures with it right away. She took pictures of everything!!!! The Christmas tree, the dogs, Christmas Dinner, our family, the centerpiece on the table, you name it....she captured it.......or so she thought.
After her parents went home, and we had everything cleaned up, we sat down and began to look at the instruction manuel to see all of the really neat features this new camera had.
To our horror we learned that the first thing you had to do was "format the memory disc." What that means in "non-computer talk" is that all of the pictures she had taken could not be retrieved.
After we got over the disappointment that all of those images were now lost she began shooting again...(after we formatted the disc!)
It reminds me of many people's lives. We get so busy doing so many things that we fail to make sure the most important things are taken care of.
The most important thing for anyone is our Salvation in Jesus Christ. We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this time of year because He had to be born so He could die for our sins. We must make sure that we have accepted Jesus into our hearts and lives before anything else. That acceptance of the gift God gave us is the most important thing. Just like pictures on an unformatted disc if you don't have Jesus Christ in your heart-nothing else will matter.
Format your heart-give it to Jesus! and say "Cheese!"