one of my favorite songs of all time is on a record by a band that i found out about through the video game Rock Band. the song i love most by them wasn't the first one i heard, but it's quickly grown to be one of my all time favorites. for the longest time, i loved the piano and the melody, but this past year i discovered the lyrics.
haha, sounds bad i know, i always sang along, but never read into them. the band's name is Shaimus, and they're not a Christian band, but you can see who this song is calling out. it's calling out us Christians for making claims and professions with our mouths but living a completely different life through our actions. people know that love is it. they realize that love is why we're all here. they know that we as Christians claim love and grace. we need to strive to truly show the love we so proudly claim in our daily lives to EVERYONE we're around, cause as proof here, everyone is watching for that love!
Shaimus - "Interview"
I woke up this morning to the
interview on the radio.
It was this bitter old lady preaching 'bout
how much she hated the world.
And it hit me like whiplash, oh but I
couldn't get up to turn it off. It was
Like watching a car crash.
Your mouth is open but you can't find a word.
In our lives, how do we perceive?
Do we know whats right or do we just believe?
We can name when it's black or white.
It won't look the same when it's shades of light.
Attacking the people
With the book she molested in the palm of her hand.
How can you take what is based on love
To hate those you don't understand?
And it hit me like whiplash, oh but I
couldn't get up to turn it off. It was
Like watching a car crash.
Your mouth is open but you can't find a word.
In our lives, how do we perceive?
Do we know whats right or do we just believe?
We can name when it's black or white.
It won't look the same when it's shades of light.