Wow. I’m so thankful for the gift of pets. God gives us animals to bring comfort, joy, laughter, peace and love to our lives. But it sure is hard to say goodbye. In 1995, Shelly and I had been married only 4 years when Boots came into our life. A beautiful black and white long-haired cat with a completely loveable personality. She was just sweet. 17 years is a long time to have a pet. But we had to say goodbye to her last night.
She developed a problem with seizures back in the summer. We thought we lost her around labor day, then again at Christmas, then again last week. Each time, I could tell the toll it was taking on her. Then it happened again this week. She got sick Friday and never recovered.
What I’ll miss the most, is coming home from work. She would hop up from her nap and eagerly follow me to the closet, where I always changed clothes. She’d rub her favorite boxes and wait patiently for me to finish changing. I’d pick her up and hold her like a baby. It was an every day routine for as long as I can remember.
Please pray for Shelly and Luke. Boots, or “booty†or “boo†as we sometimes called her has always been part of Luke’s life. He’s only 10, she had just turned 17.
Booty….we’ll miss you!