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Cody Carnes
Take You At Your Word
Phil Wickham Hymn Of Heaven
David Leonard Keep The Light On
Sidewalk Prophets Looking Up (Feat Megan Danielle)
Stars Go Dim Thank God
Consumed By Fire What If
Benjamin William Hastings That's The Thing About Praise (Feat. Blessing Offor)
Matthew West You Changed My Name
Tauren Wells God's Not Done With You
Forrest Frank Good Day
The Afters God Is With Us
Unspoken What He Says About You
For King And Country Place In This World (Feat Michael W Smith)
Elevation Worship Praise
Big Daddy Weave Let It Begin (Feat Ben Fuller & Megan Woods)
Mercyme Flawless
Crowder Grave Robber
Cochren & Co Thank God For Sunday Morning
Jwlkrs Worship In The Name Of Jesus
Ben Fuller But The Cross
Tobymac Love Broke Thru

I'm tired!


We have had a busy (but good) couple of months. With JFEST and all of the weeks of preparation and a long (but again good) week at Riverbend, I am feeling every bit of my age!

I have nodded off more than once sitting on our porch swing in the afternoons at home, and I have been sleeping really good!

I have come down with what many tell me is plantar fasciatis-an ongoing ache in my left heel. I looked it up on the internet and it describes my pain exactly. There is really nothing you can do for it except try to stay off of it as much as possible.

So that's my strategy. I am going to take a week off next week and enjoy a little "staycation" but I'm sure it will involve some "honey-do" things at home, (which to be honest-I look forward to).

I hope you get some rest when you need it.

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