As the beautiful leaves begin to change colors we roll right on
into fall. It's hard to believe that summer was months ago. I have
been here at J103 for a little less than three months! It
feels like I just started yesterday. I'm sure y'all
feel that way about many jobs or leadership roles in your life! How
quickly we all transition from the unsure first day, to typical
responsibilities. I know exaclty where to go and what to expect
everyday I come in. However, I have yet to have a day where I do
the same thing as the last time. J103 is such an encouraging and
great place to be and ever more, to learn! The staff is so helpful
and kind to help me with my every quesiton. It's blown my mind
and I cant begin to explain how thankful I
am for this internship. I can't wait to continue to
watch the season change and my role here to transition in that same
way. Life will always pass us by, but the best part is when we can
look around and enjoy the changes!!
Have a fabulous day!
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Jwlkrs WorshipIn The Name Of Jesus
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