Beths kin
had mountain bikes at their ocean house so I got to spend a lot of
time getting my worship on while day it was breezy
on the beach, not hurricane force, but enough to really slow you
down... and I started comparing the wind to the unclean spirit of
negativity, you can’t see it but you are
affected by it... and it slows you down... this unclean spirit
wants to slow down your pace, make you tired, so you can verbally
criticize the person as you try to pass them... or on the other
hand it wants to slow you down, make you so tired, that you
can’t get away the person that slowed down just
to criticize when this spirit approaches you in either
senario...remember 3 killer scriptures...
Proverbs 3:5-6 He will make your paths straight and without items
to stumble over- so you can focus on the Lord and not at the path
hebrews 12:1 - he makes you run with endurance the race that is set
before us
by equiping us with the shoes... the shoes of the Good News of
peace-- a firm foundation for your feet
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