As you may know, my wife Amy is starting a business. She will be operating a floral shop out of our house, and you can imagine there are quite a few start-up costs involved.
With Valentines Day coming to receive the best prices on roses and other items you have to place your order to the wholesalers early.
This involves paying forward and hoping that the business you project does come in so you can put the start up capital back into the family budget.
Then, once you know your raw costs you have to decide what is a fair profit for your product. You want a price that is going to attract customers but yet one that makes it worth your while to stay in business.
This and many other decisions takes a lot of faith.
Amy and I have had a lot of conversations needless to say every day and night, and some of them we have had to share a bit of frustration with each other.
We just have to keep reminding ourselves that: God initiated this, and He will provide-we just have to follow His leading.
That's good advice for all of us.