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Lift Your Head Weary Sinner (Chains)
Lauren Daigle Hold On To Me
Matt Maher In The Room (Feat Chris Brown)
Big Daddy Weave Jesus I Believe
Stephen Mcwhirter Come Jesus Come
Jason Gray Jesus Loves You (And I'm Trying)
Crowder Somebody Prayed
Stars Go Dim Authority
Bodie Whisper And The Wind
For King And Country Place In This World (Feat Michael W Smith)
Chris Tomlin Holy Forever
Micah Tyler Even Then
Tobymac Help Is On The Way (Maybe Midnight)
Cory Asbury Only Jesus For My Pain (Feat Frannie)
Matthew West Unashamed
Stephen Stanley Rest In The Father
Rachael Lampa Somebody To You (Feat Andrew Ripp)
Jeremy Rosado Come And See
Tauren Wells Take It All Back (Feat. We The Kingdom)
Sanctus Real My God Is Still The Same
Brandon Lake Hard Fought Hallelujah

Thoughts while pedaling... must have balance...


Today I met with a personal trainer to make sure I'm on the right track to lose weight. During the assessment I was asked to balance on one foot and touch the ground with the other hand...what a wake up call! I have no balance at all! I was embarrassed, for when I was younger I could practically walk a tightrope! So as I'm working on this balance thing, I started wondering if having a lack of balance is a cause for getting wobbly when I'm in high places... when I was younger I used to "crown" the 100 ft trees which means climb to the top and jump to the next one.. now if I'm a 20 ft edge.. I get wobbly.. so give me six months to test my theory... and I'll give you a detailed report.

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