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What are you going to be when you grow up


This morning I had the awesome priviledge of broadcasing from Lakeview Fort Oglethorpe High School's College and Career Fair.

It is so cool to see all of the students enjoying some time out of class and checking out all of the colleges and careers that are displayed.

I ask the kids "So what do you want to be when you grow up" and it is funny that how quick they are to respond with what their future holds.

Chances are and studies show that most people from childhood to adulthood will change their career paths or choices 5-6 times.

When I was little I wanted to be a zoologist, and then a firefighter, and then a youth pastor and now here I am in Christian radio.

I can't wait to get to Heaven and look down at the road map God led me through life. It is quite curvy I'm sure.

I started asking the students "What does God want you to do when you grow up...."

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