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Slept on the couch.....didn't have just happened!


Last night I was tired......I got up and headed to bed, but when I got to the bedroom door I noticed my wife Amy was still doing some ironing and watching a movie on the bedroom tv. So, as not to disturb her, I went to the back bathroom-laid out all my clothes for the next morning-set the alarm on my phone (which was plugged into the charger)-and then went and laid back on the couch-thinking to myself "When Amy get's done I will get up and go back to bed-but at least this way I can get a headstart on a good night's sleep.

Fast Forward to 4am! The clock on the wall chimed 4am and it was time for me to get up.

Now, our couch is comfortable......but it's not the same as sleeping in your bed. So I am now debating......Did I get a good night's sleep or not?

I'll let you know about 2pm this afternoon!

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