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Rachael Lampa
Somebody To You (Feat Andrew Ripp)
Cain Friend In Jesus
Seth Condrey Trustworthy
Mercy Me Grace Got You (Feat. John Reuben)
Mac Powell I Love Jesus
Josh Baldwin Stand In Your Love
Lauren Daigle Hold On To Me
Matt Maher In The Room (Feat Chris Brown)
Big Daddy Weave Jesus I Believe
Stephen Mcwhirter Come Jesus Come
Jason Gray Jesus Loves You (And I'm Trying)
Crowder Somebody Prayed
Stars Go Dim Authority
Bodie Whisper And The Wind
For King And Country Place In This World (Feat Michael W Smith)
Chris Tomlin Holy Forever
Micah Tyler Even Then
Tobymac Help Is On The Way (Maybe Midnight)
Cory Asbury Only Jesus For My Pain (Feat Frannie)
Matthew West Unashamed
Stephen Stanley Rest In The Father

What a great weekend


Wow! Have you ever had one of those weekends where you could just reconnect with your spouse? That was a good description of this weekend Amy and I got to spend together.

I was asked to come and speak at a Kiwanis Group in Bristol VA on Thursday night. We were blessed with the funds from that event to stay at a resort in the Smokey Mountain Area. (You will hear about the resort in the weeks to come). It was a great leisurely time for us to talk, rest and Amy's favorite pasttime-Shop! (Of course I did enjoy Reeses Peanut Butter Cups pancakes for the first time!-a new favorite food of mine!)

I hope and pray that sometime soon you and your spouse get a chance to "get away." It is so worth it!

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