Wow! I'm kind of embarrassed that I've been away from this blog
for so long. No excuses. We get so busy in life that
we forget things....or is it just me?
I'm sitting here less than two weeks to Christmas, just feeling
thankful. As I look back at the past year, it's been full of some
pretty wonderful things. The old saying is God is Good
All The Time. And it's so true.
We've seen an influx of new partners joining the ministry here at
J103, along with many who have been failthful for nearly 19
years. Thank you for being part of changing lives
through the ministry and music.
We saw lots of opportunities to get involved with other ministries
this year. You were so faithful to help with food and
education for children in third world countries through our
partnership with Cross International. Many of you adopted an angel
from the Salvation Army Angel Tree to insure that a kid had
Christmas here in our community that otherwise wouldn't
have. You helped kids around the globe through
Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child. Many children wil
receive Christmas presents from you and will also learn the Gospel
in the process.
Thank you for stepping up when the needs arise. We're so thankful
for you.
I pray you have a blessed and Merry Christmas!
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