Currently Playing
Katy Nichole
God Is In This Story (Feat. Big Daddy Weave)
Seph Schlueter Running Back To You
Cain Rise Up (Lazurus)
Andrew Ripp Love's Got A Way
Matt Maher In The Room (Feat Chris Brown)
Cochren & Co Money Can't Buy
Mercy Me Then Christ Came (Feat. Phil Wickham)
Crowder Somebody Prayed
Unspoken Just Give Me Jesus
Lauren Daigle Come Alive (Dry Bones)
Chris Tomlin Who You Are To Me (Feat. Lady A)
Ben Fuller If I Got Jesus
Ryan Ellis Gonna Be Alright
Brandon Lake That's Who I Praise
Big Daddy Weave What Life Would Be Like
Micah Tyler God Did It
Phil Wickham The Jesus Way
Cory Asbury Only Jesus For My Pain (Feat Frannie)
Ryan Stevenson Eye Of The Storm (Feat. Gabe Real)
Jason Crabb Good Morning Mercy
Jordan St Cyr To Save My Life

Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow......NO!


With the impending snowageddon part 2 on the horizon......I am not looking forward to what's on the way.

Snow and wintry conditions means I am sleeping at the radio station.

Snow means school son Chipper is beginning to wonder if he is going to ever graduate once they start making up snow daughter Lauren is wondering if she is actually going to get in enough hours student teaching to stay on track and graduate in May........and my poor son Trevor-he is in Louisville at UofL and it has been so cold he has already broken one key off in his car door.

Our chihuahuas don't even like going outside when it snows.

My wife, on the other hand, loves least she did.....until they dismissed Chipper early from school the last time and he had to drive home......Mama got nervous!

I'm thankful for God and His provision and His perfect timing of the seasons........but.....personally.....I'm ready for Spring and Summer!


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