I know that goes without saying, but I have always been highly
allergic to the green leafy stuff! Poison ivy, oak it
doesn't matter-basically if I see it-I'm going to get it.
As a child I remember having to go to the Dr every Saturday morning
for a month to get ready for summer. The dreaded
poison ivy shot!
As much as I hated the needle-I hated the itcy, oozy rash that
would develop if I didn't build my resistance up, (Or walking
around looking like a pink spotted mess.)
Cutting down our Bradford pear trees and depositing the waste
behind our neighbors house in the woods was enough to reintroduce
me to my childhood nemesis. As I type, I have the pink
calomine lotion spots up and down my legs.
Poison Ivy makes you itch!
Let me write that down: Reason # 6,456,324 why Heaven
is going to rock........No Poison Ivy!
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