Today Chattanooga said goodbye to the legend simply
Luther. Luther Massingill touched so many lives for so
many years. As a broadcaster myself, I'm absolutely
amazed that he devoted 72 years of his life to sharing a smile and
a helpful hand to the listeners of Chattanooga.
I've heard so many great stories about
Luther. But the best story? When he
talked about giving his life to Christ as a young boy.
And still serving him at the young age of 92. Today is a
celebration because Luther is in heaven. Not because
he found your lost dog, made you laugh, or was an all around nice
guy. It's because he trusted Jesus Christ as his
savior. At the end of the day.....that's all that
really matters isn't it?
I too have a quick Luther story. I always sat next to
him at the Salvation Army Angel Tree opening at the
mall. I suppose he had the right to be a "rock
star"...but he never was. Just a humble
gentleman. But a couple of years ago, after the
Salvation Army event he pulled me to the side and shook my hand,
saying "Steve, I just want you to know how much I appreciate what
you all do at J103. You keep it up!"
Thank you Luther! We're all gonna miss you! Until we
meet again!
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Andrew RippJericho
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