I have learned that there are very few things that are worse
than a DJ with no voice.........one of those is.....a wedding
officiant with no voice!
Last Saturday, after a cold night of much talking at the J103
Nights of Lights 5K and 1 mile run/walk I woke up with no voice!
Barely a squeeky whisper would come out.
And while this was a blessing for my wife and kids!
(just kidding), I was worried to death because I was
officiating a wedding later that day.
I called the Bride and Groom and asked if they wanted me to find a
replacement. They there very gracious and said they
would rather have me with no voice than someone else.
I immediately began drinking 8 oz of water an hour, lemon/honey
cammomile tea, asprin and cold medicine and began inhaling steam
every hour.
It worked somewhat and God gave me a "voice" to lead this couple in
sharing their wedding vows.
Even though it worked out-I felt helpless and it made me rely on
the Great Physician ever more.
My voice is on the mend now (as I get over a cold), but I will
always thank God for that day of healing when I was a DJ with no
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Leanna CrawfordStill Waters (Psalm 23)
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