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Thoughts while Pedaling... What does God Do???


One of the most heart encouraging verses my pastor Frank Friedmann loves to preach is Eph. 3:20... That God does beyond what we can ask or think...

Ponder Daniel. He prayed for the restoration of Israel to the land in anticipation of their prophesied 70 year exile which was coming to an end.

What does God do?

He not only answers Daniel with a promise of restoration for Jerusalem, but also gives him a prophecy predicting the very day that Jesus will ride into Jerusalem as the prince of Israel..

I don't believe Daniel would have thought to ask for that! But there God was, providing beyond what Daniel could ask or think!

Ponder our own journey...

We prayed to receive Christ as our Savior so that we could have our sins forgiven and go to heaven one day.

What does God do?

He not only gives us forgiveness and our entrance into heaven, He joins Himself to us and makes us partakers of the Divine Nature.

I did not think to ask for that, and I doubt you did either. Yet there God was, providing beyond what we could ask or think.

I hope you are encouraged to reflect on the goodness and mercy of Who God is and wants to be in your life today. He wants to be more to you than you could ever ask or think... May we have eyes to see this glory of His character....

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