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I'm Ready for my Baby to Be a Ninja


It's pretty much inevitable. At some point when your kid is in school or daycare, some other punk kid is going to push, stomp, punch, namecall, etc. In my case today, at almost 11 months old, my son was bit on the arm my a infant interloper that wanted the toy he had. I don't know the name of this little baby bully, but I'm sure they're a future 'left lane slow poke' or 'twenty items in the 10 items or less grocery shopper'! In all seriousness, it does kind of frustrate you as a parent anytime someone does something to hurt your little one.

There is the obvious instinct of the little one to inflict some kind of hurt to your little one, that's the whole purpose of biting, and anyone that says a kid doesn't get that...well, they don't really get it then I'd say. It was just a bite though, and it's not like my son is scarred for life or anything, but I'm also checking Amazon for pepper spray disguised as a sippy cup at the same time to stop this from happening again. :)

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