This post was written by one of our mission trip team members, Chris Jacocks:
The final day of the #j103missiontrip, our team visited a
transition home and split into two teams- one to paint the exterior of
the home and the other team to deliver food and Bibles to the
surrounding neighborhood in addition to sharing the good news. It was
heart warming to see how readily the locals greeted us, many allowing us
to enter their homes. This was certainly something that could only be
attributed to God working in the lives of these locals through
Marianella, her husband David (the missionaries here in Panama) and the
local church. After delivering food, Bibles, and devotionals to these
homes, our team was pleased to welcome two new additions into the
kingdom of God, as the elderly inhabitants of the very last home we
visited chose to welcome God into their lives!
Our team is now home, but please pray for the seeds we've planted, as well as the blessing of the Lord in the continued efforts of local ministers Marianella and David, and the blessing of the Lord into the lives of those who made decisions to follow Christ this week! Thank you on behalf of the mission team for your many donations, both monetary and material, and for the invaluable amounts of prayer with which you have supported us!