Currently Playing
Big Daddy Weave
Jesus I Believe
Brandon Lake Praise You Anywhere
Mercy Me Always Only Jesus
David Leonard Good Lord
Chris Tomlin Thank You Lord (Feat. Fl/Ga Line And Thomas Rhett)
The Afters God Is With Us
Cain Yes He Can
Danny Gokey I Got You
Brandon Lake Hard Fought Hallelujah (Feat Jelly Roll)
Chris Tomlin Good Good Father
Cochren & Co Money Can't Buy
For King And Country Place In This World (Feat Michael W Smith)
Austin French God Is Good
Jordan St Cyr To Save My Life
Cody Carnes Take You At Your Word
Patrick Mayberry Lead On Good Shepherd (Feat. Zahriya Zachary)
Ryan Stevenson Eye Of The Storm (Feat. Gabe Real)
Seth Condrey Trustworthy
Matt Maher Lord, I Need You
Micah Tyler I See Grace
Tobymac Faithfully

Inspired by athletes and volunteers!


Chattanooga has been recognized by Multitudes of Ironman finishers as one of the top host cities. I've always known how incredible Chattanooga is, it is the Volunteer state after all.

Yesterday I got to see it first hand. J103 headed up one of the Ironman Run Aide Stations, in addition to fulfilling our tasks of providing water, Gatorade, ice, flat cola and red bull, fruit, Cliff Bars and Warm Chicken Broth (its a sodium thing), the most inspiring thing I saw our volunteer team do was constantly cheering the triathletes on from the winner, Belgian Marino Vanhoenacker to the very last competitor who was really fighting through the pain of racing for over 15 hours.

Our volunteers tirelessly encouraged, supported and provided hope to those running in the record temperatures.

Next time we send out the "all call" for volunteers I hope you will consider being a part of the J103 serving team! It is a life-changing experience.

(p.s. I also want to brag on my awesome family who came out from sunup to sundown and helped so faithfully!)

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