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J103 Mission Trip to Panama Blog - Sanctuary for These Kids


Today was a great new day in Panamá! We went to a new school we have never been to before. This school was in Curundú, an inner city community near Panama City. It was so heartbreaking to find out the home lives of most of these children. There is such a need for Christ in this community. One part of today that was especially difficult was seeing a nine year old cry because his older brother was shot and killed earlier this week. This community is so gang-ridden that almost everyone has lost someone close to them from gang violence. A lot of the children have parents who are prostitutes, gangsters, abusive, and neglectful. The school we went to serves as a sanctuary for these kids.

This school is bilingual, teaching English and Spanish. They were in dire need of school supplies. We were able to bring backpacks, post it notes, pencils, glue sticks etc. We also got to play a game of American football during recess. These kids had such a longing for love and we had tons to give. We also had the opportunity to pass out tracts and bibles to the families of the students, as well as, passerby's. After this, we went to the bus station and had the opportunity to pass out tracts and spread the love of Jesus Christ. It was such a bitter sweet day in Panama filled with laughter and tears. Can’t wait to see what else God has in store for us tomorrow in Chepo.

Written by Haley Lopez

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