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I've Got a Letter to Write


I’ve dropped the ball……

Have you had to utter those words recently? I have. I have a friend and J103 fan that is an inmate in a TN Correctional Institution. I have been writing him for years, accepting his collect calls, and most importantly praying for him each and every morning in my quiet time. He was recently transferred to a different facility and we have not been able to communicate via the telephone. His letters are still coming frequently, but I have been swamped in the last several weeks and I owe him about four letters.

Some of you may say, “Oh Ted, that’s alright, you are a busy person, he will understand.” You are probably correct in that he knows I am a busy person, but it’s all about priorities. You see, I feel a sense of compulsion to reach out to him, because apparently and sadly, no one else really does. He has shared with me in his letters and over the phone how I am the only one who has stood by him during this time. I’m sure his family and other “friends” all have their reasons for not writing him and some of them may be legit, but as I pray and have a few minutes here and there to sit down and catch my breath-God continues to remind me of my friend sitting there in that prison cell waiting for interaction with anyone…

Acts 12:5 says, “So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church.”

Who do you know that although they may not be incarcerated, they are being held captive by something in their life? Are you earnestly praying for them?

Excuse me…..I’ve got a letter to write.

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