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Mom at the Movies: The House with the Clock in it's Walls


The House with the Clock in it's Walls... it a no from me fam.

Fall is my love language, y'all. Give me allll the pumpkin spice, sweaters and of course a good Halloween movie! You can imagine the excitement I had when we headed out to see the latest "kid friendly" Halloween movie, The House with the Clock in it's Walls. We are a Hocus Pocus, Harry Potter and Goosebumps watching family and knowing that Jack Black was in this one too made our fall loving hearts jump for joy! Unfortunately, the excitement was short-lived and... we actually ended up walking out of the movie halfway through.

This movie is based on a novel of the same title in which a boy named Lewis is orphaned unexpectedly. He is forced to live with his uncle, Jonathan, in a creepy house with a mysterious ticking noise in it's walls. After spending a little time there he comes to know, in too scary of a way, that his uncle is a powerful warlock and that the house is possessed. We didn't see the ending, but we are more than willing to live with that!

There is a fine line between imaginative and satanic. Some of the Halloween movies we have loved for years have dark undertones and maybe we have been wrong for allowing it in the past. I don't honestly worry about it as much as I should, but as a mom I have started to take notice of demonic intrusions on things geared towards my babies. If there is anything good that I can say about this movie, it would be that it was made very clear that the line between "ok" and demonic was blatantly crossed. When the main character, 10 year old Lewis, and his friend made a pentagram on the ground in a cemetery, cut their hands, poured out their blood and started chanting in a demonic voice to raise an evil warlock from the dead, it was easy to high tail it out of there! My husband jumped out of his seat and made it known that we were not going to sit under that satanic ritual and subject our children or our own grown-up selves to it. #ainttrynagetopressedtahday

We waited longer than we should have to leave, but I was hopeful that it was going to turn into a "good vs evil" or " good always wins" type of story. It just got way too dark. Later, thinking on the fact that it is rated PG, I just became disgusted knowing that there are innocent kids (adults too) that could be tricked into believing that witchcraft is an acceptable answer to life's tough circumstances. That's exactly what satan is trying to do through these types of things. Satan can be tricky and that means he can get in your head even through a kids movie.

As believers in Jesus Christ, this movie goes against every truth we should be teaching our children. Give the enemy an inch and he will gladly take a mile. I can testify to that. More importantly, the only fear we should be teaching our babies is the healthy fear of the Lord. We know that the only power Satan has over the children of God is the power we give him. The Truth is that through salvation in Jesus, we can crush the enemy under our feet in Jesus' mighty name. This movie is a flat out lie. So, parents, my rating for The House with the Clock in

it's Walls is just plain z.e.r.o. Not only that, but I am going to ask you to not allow your children to watch this. If you're itching to be swatting demons like flies, this is your jam. For us, we were bumping some Jesus music all the way home and mama was casually (more like obviously) sprinkling the Word "Jesus" extra heavy in conversation after watching all that mess. I mean, we all need more Jesus convo am I right or am I right? #shakethedustoff #itsanofrommefam #nottodaysatan

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