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How Much Stuff Do You Really Need?


So last night, as I always do, I got my clothes together for this morning. (My goal each morning is to get up, dressed and ready and out the door without waking up the rest of my family). As I pulled my button down shirt out of the closet I realized it was wrinkled. The sad thing is… beautiful wife had ironed it a week or so ago. I remember her handing it to me and I hung it up in my closet. Did someone grab my shirt out of the closet, wad it up and then hang it back up? No. The problem is, I have so many shirts, jackets, coats and pants hanging up in my closet that it caused my freshly pressed shirt to become wrinkled. So who cares? Well….this morning God really convicted me through the mornings devotion in Craig Groeschell’s Daily Power. Luke 12:15 says “Then Jesus said to them, “Be careful and guard against all kinds of greed. Life is not measured by how much one owns.”

My family and I have so much “stuff” that it is overwhelming. Some would argue that we are big-time blessed, and I wouldn’t disagree with them. God is the Great Provider and Sustainer and I would never second guess the blessings He has entrusted to me. But Jesus reminds us that “Our life doesn’t consist in the abundance of stuff. I’m almost certain that if most of us had less stuff, we’d have more intimacy, more time, more peace
and more joy.

I’ve got a challenge to tackle this weekend, and one that I challenge you to pick up. My goal this weekend is to “purge” my closet and all of my dresser drawers. In the Christian Radio business……I’ve probably got enough T-shirts to clothe an entire village!

As soon as Thanksgiving is over Thursday the dam that is holding back “all things Christmas” is going to break and it will be a mad dash to get more and more stuff to give those on our gift list. Do we really have room for “More stuff?”

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