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Prayer Notes - A Mom's Best Guess


The Mom tool we probably don't use enough!

**Danielle is one of our guest bloggers from our listening area, you can read more from her blog at A Mom's Best Guess.**

Prayer and reading God’s Word are two basic tools we have in the toolbelt of Mom Life. However, these don’t come at the top of the priority list as often as they should. Really, they should be so second nature that they don’t even need to be listed.

You can get stuck inside your own head when it comes to prayer. “What do I say? How do I say it? Is that okay to talk to GOD about? Does He even care? Is now the right time? I don’t even know where to start!”

Something I have done that might help you as well, not to make it convenient or simplify prayer, but to help you get unstuck is to write down prayers. I will do this in the Notes on my phone. Why the phone? Aren’t we supposed to keep it old school, no electronics, when it comes to approaching God? Well, yes. You don’t need a cell phone to reach the Lord.

Always having your phone on hand, this is where things get simple. Instead of perusing Pinterest for a motivational quote, you’ll have a section in your Notes of prayers. Read something you have already written out and be inspired to start talking to the Lord.

Coming to God in prayer is as easy as saying His name and talking out loud (or in your head!) just like you would in conversation with anyone.
Jeremiah 29:12 "Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you."

A constant reminder is what Jesus says right before He gives the example of what we know as the “Lord’s Prayer”
”…For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.” Matthew 6:8b

Opening up your Bible and praying scriptures is a great practice! You’ll get more comfortable with this as you practice it. Start with Psalms, Proverbs, or a specific story and translate it into a prayer. For example,
”Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins.” Proverbs 10:12
Lord, right now I have hate for (that person) so deeply that it’s causing a lot of issues in my life. I know that your Word says that hatred stirs up strife, so I need to give this over to you. It’s bigger than something I can handle alone. Let love cover all of the hate and emotions that go with it. The shame, fear, anger, and other negative emotions I let come up. Cover it with your love and let me be one that shows You by being someone who doesn’t act out of hate towards (that person). In Your name, amen.

Here’s how Prayer Notes work.
• Make a heading (forgiveness, hatred, envy, shame)
• Write out a prayer with a Bible verse that is fitting.
• The next time you’re struggling with that same feeling or issue, you’ll have a quick start to a conversation with the Lord.

I love that I can look back on prayers from months ago and remember when and where that conversation happened and the peace I felt following being obedient.

It is always so good to journal to kind of brain dump your thoughts onto paper. It slows down the scattered thinking process, and there is something therapeutic and healing about writing. Do this in an actual notebook if you find your phone is a distraction. I’m not trying to convenience a relationship with God, but instead finding solutions to a real issue… I over complicate the simplest of practices!

Copy and Paste these into your notes to get you started!


Doing what’s right:
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105 God, this has seemed so big and so overwhelming that I have almost given up. All You ask of me is that I do the next right thing. It’s easy for me to react in fear or uncertainty. Yet You will lead me one choice, one response, one action at a time- through YouGidr Word, and through the Holy Spirit. Thank you for that. In Your name, amen.*

Temptation: “If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?” Matthew 18:12 God, I need your help to remember Your faithfulness when these sinful desires tempt me to go against Your will for my life. I’m thankful for the forever connection I have to you becuase of Jesus. That even if I stray as the 1 lamb did, You will leave the 99 to come find me. Thank you for that faithful love towards me. In Your name, amen.

Restoration: “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten,” Joel 2:25 God, right now there is so much unsettled in this relationship. I feel like I have wasted years not giving this area of my life over to you. I know that you can restore those years and Your word says that I won’t go hungry when I’m feeling starved of love and security. Your love is enough. May I always come to you first and ask for Your way, not my own. In Your name, amen.

Forgiveness: “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” God, I know that I am messing up in the area of forgiveness. Anytime that their name is mentioned, I twinge. Who am I to pass judgment on them and not be forgiving when you have forgiven me of so much? Help me to see what I can forgive for and to love my enemies. In Your name, amen.

Conviction: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 Father, You are full of mercy and grace, and I confess to unintentionally allowing things to become more important than You. Thank You for the warning in Your Word and for Your Spirit that convicts us of our sin. Please help us to see the areas where we tray, and give us the power to turn back to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

*Two of these prayers are taken from an app I like to use for daily devotionals. First 5 has dozens of plans you can do daily to read scripture, learn, apply to your own life, and end in prayer.

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