My experience with my kids being homeschool and being in public.
**Danielle is one of our guest bloggers from our listening area, you can read more from her blog at A Mom's Best Guess.**
This is not a pros and cons post of public school versus homeschool. Don’t look here for YOUR choice on what’s best for your kids. There are so many variables to consider school for your kids. For my family, I thought for sure we would just put the kids in whatever school they were zoned for. We live in a county with excellent rating schools that provide adequate opportunity. I should know, I went through the same school system and had a great experience!

Kindergarten came for my first born in 2012. We decided to put him in a local private school, because he was so bright! It turned out to be a great fit for him, but as the year ended, we noticed he was getting in more “trouble’ and his personality was changing to be more angry and aggressive at home and school. The 8-3, sitting still, not learning in a way that was specific to him, and some other things had me pull him out to homeschool.
Choosing a curriculum was intimidating! I sought out help from other homeschool moms in Facebook groups, and decided an all in one box curriculum was perfect! ABeka proved to provide us a Creation based teaching that expanded my boy’s mind. I learned he likes to read upside down, be challenged with timers, and was basically self taught by the “try it out” method for math.
When our next daughter was ready for homeschool, I sat down like I had for three years to purchase the ABeka curriculum. Something just didn’t settle well, so I talked with Mr. Guess. He reminded me what we set out to do from the beginning- provide the best situation for each child. At this point, I was freaking out about options (private, co-ops, tutors, local school) but even still nothing felt right.
Literally, woke up in the middle of the night after praying some worries away before sleeping and had a school come to mind that hadn’t yet made my list! Woke Mr. Guess up to tell him, and he said that he thought of that first when I approached him about a new situation for the kids. Would have been nice to know a few months ago, dude! Nonetheless, in May before the next school year, I submitted two applications to a close by city school.
My thoughts from that day, “Faith looks like me walking up to these doors like I knew exactly how the outcome would be after turning in my kids' applications for an out of our city elementary school. Homeschool has had my heart these past three years, but God is changing the pasture that our little flowers will be growing in.
It may be here or it may be there... but wherever we are taken, I know it will be part of a bigger plan for my kiddos future.
Family and friends of mine that have walked through this with me know the hefty decision that it has been. Thank you all so much for being patient with my many questions and prayer requests! Can't wait to tell you all of the God story this has been! From being asked this winter to be director of a homeschool co-op to turning over, in submission, my kids' education to another adult... there have been many twists and turns.”
Having been asked the same question dozens of times when finding out that we would not be homeschooling in the fall... My answer turned from words to a roar. Not to be rude at all, because I love to share the story of how the Lord has taken us from one place to the next and the growth we have all had along the way. The roar would symbolize the courage I've felt to do more, say more, and be more in this new season. "What will you do with all that time?" is the question.
To the homeschool Mom: you are doing one of the most selfless things you can for your children. Most of your brain power, time, and resources go towards the children of your home. Don't ever suffice to thinking you're "just like a teacher" to lay claim to a title. There is no title more than "Homeschool Parent" that is suitable. For that title alone includes custodian, PE coach, guidance counselor, cafeteria cook and monitor, Bible teacher, speech therapist, and Mom. All without pay. Selfless. While you are roaring for your children, you are giving them courage to become what they were made to be.
To the "kids in school but you're at home" Mom: What will your roar look like? Sure, you will be Mom and the kids aren't away all day long, but still... Could this be a season for you to find something tangible where you are doing more, saying more, and being more? I’ve found that my kids being in a school setting all day from 8-3 has them thriving and me as well. I set work down when they come home to do school at home for about 15 minutes per kid. The weight of being all things as a homeschool mom left the table, and I was mentally capable of handling more in life.

Do I miss the time freedom of homeschool? Yes. However, you can make weekends/after school hours/ and ALL the many breaks more intentional. It’s almost forced to do so! Would I miss the 10 am random coffee dates with friends if my kids weren’t in public school? Most definitely, yes! I wrote earlier about being so thankful for teachers. I was overcome with that last year with my youngest about to enter into kindergarten and now being a fully “empty nest” during the day.
Now, I have one bit of advice for deciding what’s best for your kids: take it year by year and know there is no perfect answer! Chime in, what do you love about your kid’s school situation? What makes it unique but fitting for your family?