Lard.. what a word... being from California I never even heard of lard until I got back here to the south...and when I first saw a tub of it...I was yikes this will clog my arteries like glue in a drinking straw... and then I tasted fried chicken cooked in lard and buttermilk biscuits made in lard and after experiencing a greasy high that brought me into a euphoric state of being... I became a lard addict... I would search out the hole in the wall diners that would cook only in lard, and try to get my friend's parents to cook me up some larded up fried pork chops and hush puppies... and then reality set in as I went for a cholesterol test and came back with red zone results as my bad cholesterol was 250... and the reason I'm sharing this with you I just found out that out of 190 cities surveyed Chattanooga is the 127th unhealthiness city in America and if your ready to ease off the lard I have posted a great recipe for fried chicken made with coconut oil which is naturally free of cholesterol and helps you lose weight
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