November marks the month we celebrate Thanksgiving and we have so much to be thankful for. As believers in Jesus Christ we have such a solid foundation when uncertainty is the "word of the hour" all around us. I believe this is a great time for Christians to let our light shine to the world all around us.
At J103, a steady stream of calls, letters and emails resound the praises of God for encouragement, light and even eternal salvation found while listening to J103. The 877-Need-Him line averages 100 calls per month of hungry hearts seeking a personal relationship with the Lord, and for this we are thankful.
The J103 Team is especially thankful for you, this season. Just a couple short months ago, the future of J103 looked uncertain as corporate sponsors, and individual partnerships were both substantially down. Subsequent downsizing of the staff and other financial cutbacks were initiated, but the deficit and monthly shortfall would take a miracle to turn around.
We went on the air announcing our situation and the J103 staff began to pray together every day. Then God began to move on the hearts of many. Over a two month period close to 2,000 wonderful friends stepped forward to help J103 begin to turn the tide.
Since August the ministry has made budget each month and the deficit has begun to get reduced. We rejoice in God's faithfulness and, again, are very thankful for the generous response and sensitivity to His Spirit's prompting of our Friends. Thank you for your part in this miracle!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving season and know that your J103 family is thankful for you!