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Lessons from the Hospital Waiting Room


Yesterday, I sat for most of the day and waited. I waited on the results of my mother-in-law's surgery. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks prior and was having a mascectomy.

As I sat in the waiting room at Memorial Hospital, I read, did a little work on my computer, tried to check my facebook, (apparently blocked at the hospital!), and spent a lot of time in prayer.

God did answer our prayers. Amy's mom came through surgery fine, and was really alert last night when we got to finally see her in a room. The results-not what we had hoped for-the tumor was twice the size the doctors anticiapted and the cancer has spread. She will now face chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Sitting there with Amy, her dad and two sisters, I could hear them ask the same questions that I had heard many yesterday mutter in that waiting room full of anxious and worried families....."How will they be able to deal/handle this...."

God gave me a word......we, as believers, and followers of Christ, shouldn't say "How will......" but rather......"Just will....."

How Will you handle chemotherapy.....No....through Christ we Just Will handle chemotherapy.

How Will I handle this job loss?.......No......through Christ we Just Will handle this job loss.

How Will I handle this disapontment?......No......through Christ we Just Will handle this and every disapointment and challenge.

The first of, what I am sure will be many, lessons God is teaching me in the Hospital Waiting Room.

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