Last week, while sitting in the Hospital Waiting Room waiting
while my mother-in-law was in surgery, God really spoke some
valuable lessons and truths into my life.
My mother-in-law had just come successfully through the
surgery. After a stay in recovery they moved her up to
her room. It was a beautiful part of the hospital I
had never been to. The Mary Ellen Locher Cancer
Floor. It was really nice!
They were getting Amy's mom situated in her room, her sisters and
dad were with her, so I remained out in the hall.
The surgeon had just delivered the news that the tumor they removed
from my mother-in-law was twice the size they had thought, and the
cancer had spread which would require chemo and radiation
therapy. Not the news we had hoped for.
As I was sitting there, I recognized a friend of mine coming out of
the room next door. I could tell something was causing
him and his family sadness. I learned that his
mother-in-law was about to leave this world and join Jesus in
Heaven. She had battled cancer for some
time. She did go home to be with the Lord in the next
few minutes.
What was the lesson-God showed me that He is in
control. Things could always be worse (at least that
would be what the majority of the world thinks). Going
home to Heaven is the best thing that could happen to someone-but
you know what I think. For the family the new
seperation from their loved one was sad.
My wife, kids, inlaws and I still have time to spend with my
mother-in-law. What are we going to do with the
remainder of that time? How much are emphasis are we
going to put on serving the Lord together by the way we express our
Sitting in a hospital can be very eye-openening!
Please continue to pray for my mom-in-law and family.
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