i discovered one of the best feelings ever the other night. no kidding. wednesday nights i help coach the women's ultimate frisbee team at UTC, and since we were a little low on numbers we combined with the guys last night. we usually don't have the personel to scrimmage, but with our combination last night, numbers permitted a scrimmage to be had and i was able to join in and play as well.
now i thought nothing beat a cold shower when you're still hot and sweaty after a good long exercise, but i was wrong. nothing beats a good, cold shower after being hot and sweaty when you use that mint body wash from a certain hygiene company. seriously! it was like a tv commercial. i felt refreshed, rejuvenated and reinvigorated...wow, ok, that all sounds pretty pansy-like when i type it out like that, but the experience was worth sounding sissy for. ha, no regrets here.