In 1983 a young radio guy that was looking for his big break as a rock and roll disc jockey found himself in the studio of a Christian radio station. Unplanned? Well, it certainly wasn't MY plan, but it WAS God's! My Program Director, Bob Crittenden, played a major role in the direction my life was about to take, and he didn't even realize it. As I struggled to prepare my "demo" for him I became frustrated and called him for help. His question was simple: "Are you trying to do it yourself, or are you asking the Lord to do it THROUGH you?" When I arrogantly proclaimed that I was trying to do it myself he said "Then that's your problem." ...and he hung up the phone. It forced me to face my weaknesses and my total dependence on God. That night God planted a desire in me to serve Him in Christian radio. It's a flame that's still burning just as bright after all these years. But I owe a big thanks to that program director way back in 1983. He could've given me any of a hundred different answers, but instead he pointed me to God. Just what I needed. The result? Over 25 years later I'm still doing what God called me to do. This past week I re-connected with Bob Crittenden and got the chance to share this story with him. I realized after that, I should've hunted him down long ago to share this with him. My challenge to you? Two things. Number one, if someone has had a dramatic impact on your life, tell them. Don't wait. Number two? If you think you can't make a difference for God...just follow His spirit and you may have an impact on someone that you don't even know about! How cool is that?
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