I am getting ready to walk across the post office to the East
Ridge Post office. "Big Deal," you may
say. "I bet you have been there many times
before." You are correct. I have been
inside the East Ridge Post Office dropping off lots of mail and
packages over the last 15 years.
But this trip is special. This handful of mail is
meaningful. The stack of invitations I will be
carrying over to be delivered are my daughter, Lauren's High School
Graduation Invitations.
These invites will be delivered in Louisville, Sacramento, Chicago,
and of course right here in the TN Valley. They
symbolize 12 years of hard work and sacrifice both Lauren and her
parents have endured.
I am so blessed to have three great kids that take their education
seriously, (OK, so the jury is still out on Chipper).
I'm praying for all of you in the same boat and making the same
trip going "Postal" today.
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