so all my life, my dream car has been a 50's/early 60's volkswagon van. i love the look, the idea and the dream of these iconic vehicles. never could quite decide if i liked the samba, westfalia or your everyday bus styles, but figured i'd let the right van find me. even bid on one on eBay once with my brother, but we were gone for the pivotal final hour and lost out on it even though we could've nabbed it had we of been at the computer.
it's still amazing to me that i've held on to this dream for as long as i have. it's one of those that haven't died out with the pro basketball or power ranger dreams of the past. it's still going strong. what dreams have you grown out of, and what ones do you still cling to tighter than a foreigner's speedo at Dolly's Splash Country (true story...scary, but true). hopefully you have the "VW van" dream of your own that hasn't gone away, and that one day when i get mine, let me know if you want a ride.