Yesterday my pastor, Dennis McNulty, preached on Jesus' parable
of the servants who were entrusted with the talents.
At the conclusion of the service the offering plate was passed
again and this time EVERYONE was encouraged to take out one brand
new $1 dollar bill. Young and old alike were
encouraged to take our dollars and increase them by Easter Sunday
My family (and Trevor's girlfriend) pooled our dollars and with the
$6 Amy bought the ingredients and boxes and made spring
cupcakes. We are selling them 4 for $4 in a nice gift
box or .50 each. Chipper went to a couple
of doors in our neighborhood and sold two boxes, I have sold two
boxes and 6 individual ones so far. We have already
trippled our initial "talent."
This is teaching my son Chipper (and the rest of us) the scriptures
in a real applicable, relevant way, and it's fun too.
One of our first customers nicknamed them "Jesus cupcakes" because
of the initial "Jesus dollar." Remembering that is
helping me fight off the temptation to sneak and eat one!!!!!!
Want a cupcake?
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David LeonardGood Lord
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