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I don't know why it bothers me...


I don't know why it bothers me but Saturday Amy and I drove by the first house we bought. When God moved us to the North Georgia/TN Valley area we first lived in the church's parsonage. After a year or so He led us to a beautiful home that was very-well taken care of by some friends from church.

We purchased it, moved in and made it our home for years. We have fond memories of that house. It is where we brought Chipper home from the hospital when he was born. I can still remember the large wooden stork I had placed in the front yard. Our kids had slumber parties, birthday parties, and baseball parties there. My Dad came and helpled me build a clubhouse for my kids to play in. We buried beloved pets in the back yard. I even remember me and the kids putting together a "time capsule" and burying it somewhere in the yard.

Amy put a lot into the flowers and landscaping. I loved our grass...It was zosia and like walking on carpet.

It was home.

God blessed us with the home we have lived in now for the last 6 years. It got to the point where that first house was to small for our needs, and we were so excited to make the five minute move. I have to admit though, because of all the memories and sentimental value that first house had it was a little sad to leave.

Fastforward to this past Saturday. Amy had driven by the house over the years and had noticed the new owners didn't spend as much time in the yard as we had. This Saturday it looked really bad. The grass was more than knee high. There were bare spots in the yard where they had parked their vehicles. There was a huge Bradford pear tree that had split and was laying in the yard. In fact, you could barely see the house from the street.

I managed to see a piece of paper on the front door. I got out and walked up onto the porch to see that the house was now abandoned.

It really upset Amy and I. I feel so bad for the owners who felt like they had to leave this house that was our home. When we sold it we both hoped they would take care of it love it and have a happy home like we had.

It is sad to see it in the current condition. I guess I am more sentimental than I thought.

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