I was somewhat unsure about what to expect in an office environment before I started my internship. Like Alexandra I am a server therefore I am used to a physically fast paced environment where there is little time to stop and get to know your co-workers. I have only been here for a week or two now and yes the week or two before J-fest so things are somewhat chaotic (which I like). In the few weeks that I have been here I may not have gotten to know the staff at J103 that well, but I have come to see that the staff is more like a family than a crew. My first day I had lunch with Ted, Justin, Brad and Brett and just watching them chat I could see that they know each other and know what is going on in each others lives.
So I guess what has surprised me the most
about my internship is the vibe. I expected it to be more uptight
(for lack of a better word). Everyone here is more down to earth
than I expected, in my mind I guess I’ve
connected professionalism with detached co-worker relations.
--Autumn :)