Good morning! Today is the day you can be One of a
Thousand! One of a Thousand people that will offer a
one-time gift of $85 today to meet the year end need of the
ministry of J103. You can click that Donate Now button
up in the top left corner of your screen and give safely, simply
and securely online.....or you can call 893-6767 or
877-262-J103. Your gift will make a difference in
someone else's life.
As a college kid in the 80's I had a plan. I was going
to be a rock n roll disc jockey and live the high
life. Well, the high life wasn't so
grand....but thank God He had a different plan. He
used Contemporary Christian Music to reach me when I was farest
away from Him. And He still uses this music
today. That's why your support is so
important. Be a part of changing
someone's life today! And Thank You!
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