Currently Playing
Nothin' Sweeter
Mercy Me Then Christ Came (Feat. Phil Wickham)
Crowder Somebody Prayed
Unspoken Just Give Me Jesus
Lauren Daigle Come Alive (Dry Bones)
Chris Tomlin Who You Are To Me (Feat. Lady A)
Ben Fuller If I Got Jesus
Ryan Ellis Gonna Be Alright
Brandon Lake That's Who I Praise
Big Daddy Weave What Life Would Be Like
Micah Tyler God Did It
Phil Wickham The Jesus Way
Cory Asbury Only Jesus For My Pain (Feat Frannie)
Ryan Stevenson Eye Of The Storm (Feat. Gabe Real)
Jason Crabb Good Morning Mercy
Jordan St Cyr To Save My Life
Katy Nichole God Is In This Story (Feat. Big Daddy Weave)
Matthew West Unashamed
Andrew Ripp Jericho
Jeremy Camp He Knows
Cain The Commission

Thoughts while pedaling... mass obstructions...


I heard a great statement last night that I would like you to ponder for a second... praise is a weapon of mass obstruction... when I'm being attacked by the dark side, I try to get out of the situation.. thats means i'm focused on my self, my circumstance, but when I 'm reminded to get my praise on... some serious obstructions, some incredible divine walls are thrown up stopping the adversaries in their tracks.. and as the praise gets louder, those heavenly walls get thicker!

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